
Elephants Pull Off Incredible Rescue of Calf Stuck in a Ditch


Elephant pull off

Footage captured at South Africa's Kruger National Park shows a tiny baby elephant stuck in a shallow ditch of muddy water. The video shows the calf, just a couple months old, struggling to find its way back out to its mamma - but the poor thing is so little, it just can't pull itself out of the hole.

Meanwhile, the herd has not abandoned baby. Mamma elephant puts in her best efforts to pull her baby out, using her trunk and forefeet to try and raise the calf bodily onto safe ground. She fails after each attempt.

Eventually, a senior, more experienced elephant from the herd comes to the rescue. Both elephants combine forces and voila, baby is finally back where it belongs and receives a warm welcome from other the calves.


From : Written by Armita Kohl.

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