
Birders Go Big To Conserve Environment


Birders Go Big To Conserve Environment (1)

The annual Kruger National Park (KNP) Birding Weekends are part of a conservation programme, mostly based on volunteerism. The annual event is organised by the South African National Parks (SANParks) Honorary Rangers (HR) of the West Rand Region and sponsored by Sasol. This highlight on the birding calendar takes place over three consecutive weekends and attracts over 700 birding enthusiasts and experts from across the country and internationally.

In January 2014, the Kruger National Park hosted the 16th annual birding weekend with participants spread across 19 camps in the world-famous wildlife sanctuary. The purpose of these weekends is to collect data on the bird species residing in the park as well as educate and involve people in the world of birding while raises funds that are donated to conservation efforts. Those who are keen birders are exposed to expert birders who can guide and advise them in the process of spotting birds.

Bird lists are collated yearly during the KNP Birding Weekends and birding experts chaperone each group to assist guests with the identification of cryptic species, such as the brown eagles and little brown birds. The birding experts share interesting information about bird biology, ecology and migration patterns.


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